Expert Soft Tissue Treatment


FDM is a model that provides a very specific lens in which to evaluate, diagnose, and treat your pain by focusing on fascia. Fascia is the extensive connective tissue network surrounding and supporting all muscles, ligaments, and tendons. When you have adhesion in this tissue the result can be pain, limited range of motion, and nerve entrapment. FDM is utilized by providers around the country and an extensive list of professional and collegiate sports medical teams. Dr. Heitholt has been specializing in this model for his entire career and is currently an instructor for the treatment model. As the only FDM provider in the state of Indiana, he is uniquely equipped to find and fix your pain fast.


Learn FDM Treatment, Host Workshops, and More

Want to learn from Dr. Heitholt directly? He is available for teaching as well providers FDM and you can host for workshops as well! Contact for more information!